Monday, January 4, 2016

Phase l

The first 48

What I Drank:
The last thing on my mind after surgery was eating or drinking. I suppose that's partially good bc clear liquids is all I could have. Ice chips were tiny pieces of heaven to my painfully dry mouth. Every 15minutes I was to sip 1oz of liquid to complete a daily total intake of 60oz. Easier said than done. 15minutes goes by so fast and sipping one ounce of water takes forever. Time played tricks on me for sure!! Protein at this point was not of high concern. The most important thing for me was to stay hydrated. There were moments I felt like I was withering away but I kind of liked it haha.

How I Felt:
I still had not seen my incisions at this point and they didn't cause me any discomfort. Although sitting down and getting up was a bit challenging, I was able to move around at a normal rate. My mind was in and out and there was a lot of day dreaming going on but I'm pretty sure anesthesia will do that to ya!! I felt nervous with every sip I took. My stomach was new and it's like we were still on our first date. I guess you could say we were "testing the water" pun intended ;) with every sip I took, my stomach spoke back to me. Not in a growling manor, but something similar. I got occasional pains in my chest that I considered to be gas but they were pretty painful here and there.  I had heard of others acquiring heart burn post surgery but I refuse to accept that in my case. We shall see.

1 comment:

  1. Cousin, I think what you are doing to awesome! My husband has obstructive sleep apnea and he has to sleep with a cpap. He does his routine differently. He will sleep with it for 2-3 days, and he is able to sleep without it for about 3 days without issues. This works for him, and may work for you. Everyone is different, but try changing the routine and see if that helps your pattern.
