Monday, January 4, 2016


Support is important to my success. I am soo fortunate to have such a wide variety of people supporting my decision and encouraging me to be successful. My biggest supporter should be no surprise.

Bryant Marshall is my daily strength, my daily encouragement. He doesn't give me the option to "give up" but he allows me to take on challenges in my own ways. He simply supports me. In efforts to to get healthier, he too tackled the 24 day liquid diet and lost somewhere near the same as me. Okay- so maybe he lost a bit more than me- guys usually do.. Right?! LoL
I begged him to not do the diet with me in fear that he may (a few days in) regret his decision and decide to quit the diet. How dare I not mirror the faith to him as he put in me?! Quitting was not an option for him so quitting he did NOT!! On Christmas we sat together at the dinner table & while everyone enjoyed that glorious meal, Bryant and I enjoyed our sugar free cherry jello!!

Now I will move on to family. Family opinions COUNT.. to a point. Usually if a family member is not on board with the idea of WLS (weight loss surgery) it's because they're simply uneducated on it. That puts the ball in your court, count them out of your support group or passionately educate them so at least they feel connected with what's going on. My family, they had a loong time to come to terms with my desires. They know how passionate I am about this life changing event. My mom has been extremely supportive. She has known my heart, seen my tears and heard my cries. She believes in me and that's more motivation to not let her down!! I don't have a particular family member that has expressed their negative concerns so I'm grateful for that.

My friends- this was a bit tricky. I feared a separation in my friendships would result from my new restrictions but to my surprise it has been quite the opposite. I really had no idea how much activity in my life (and I'm sure many others') revolves around food. So many times I literally phoned a friend to  see if they wanted to do dinner... which I totally couldn't do. Hah. FAIL. Think about it though. Are most of your interactions with friends over brunch, dinner etc?! This is why I feel like it has helped our friendships grow. We had to find other things to do lol. Another fortunate part of my friends support is that I have two very good friends taking on this journey as well. That's their story to tell but I certainly enjoy their company on this trail to health.  I have the very best of friends. You each mean so much to me. I know this changes things as we knew it before.. I can't just go grab a drink at the bar with you or benge out on food while spilling our hearts out about life's challenges.. but we will adjust. We've done great so far!!

My work- oh boy, these students eat 2 ways
1. Like they're at a 5star restaurant with 4 course meals
2. Like teenagers with fast food & lots of Wing Stop
I knew at lunch every day I would have to take in the biggest breath, hold it & RUN to the staff break room haha. Then I seemed safe (unless the students brought staff lunch) and I would enjoy my shakes. It's crazy how amazing my sense of smell is tho. I could tell you exactly what ppl were eating just by smelling the air. My coworkers & students are aware of the journey I'm on and they too have been very supportive. I've had a few students tell me they don't want me to change, they love me like I am etc etc. I can appreciate that- but I shut them down anyway haha.

Online support groups. BE WARE!!
EVERY journey is different. I try to constantly remind myself that I can not obsess over comparisons. Also, each Bariatric Doctor has their own plans for the patients and each patient has their own history and physical that plays a part in their recovery. This being said, I DO recommend a support group. This is a great way to stay motivated, share recipes, and connect to others who can completely relate!!

Although this journey could be completed without support; I need motivation. I need encouragement. I love to stay inspired. I love my SUPPORT. So, THANk YOU


  1. I love you.
    Before you know we'll all be zip lining in Costa Rica ;)

    1. um YESS zip lining will be my weight loss reward!!
      we need to plan this asap

  2. Good luck to you! You are beautiful inside and out! You got this!!

  3. Good luck to you! You are beautiful inside and out! You got this!!
